Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meeting (student life)

the meeting of student life was held by the TC group in the ADMC room w113 on 17th of March 2011. I was a member of this meeting which started at 16:00 and took half an hour to finish. the group prepared fairly well by getting together twice and review all points related to the subject. the agenda was spread early to the members to have enough time thinking and finding solutions. my performance in my first meeting was fairly good. i added some significant points to the meeting which helped the group finding solutions. all members were satisfied with my performance. the discussion was so quit and relaxing which effected the meeting possitevely. the points of the agenda were clear and everybody had the chance to give opinions and participated actively. it went smoothly.
feedback was distributed amoung the group, long dialoges and low tune of voice was my difficulties in the meeting. this will help me alot in the next meeting. for better meeting in future, more realistic suggestions should be discussed and the subject should be learnt from diffrent aspects.

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