Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Semi-Formal Presentation Summary,

On 24th of April, I and my group had to make a presentation about the advantages and disadvantages of two different browsers, internet explorer 8 and safari. The presentation was held in the ADMC T005 room and our group was consisted of Abdullah hamoudi, Abdulaziz Al Ali, Moaz, Fares and me, Ahmed Baniyas.
I would like here to describe Abdullah's attitude during his part of the presentation. He started his presentation greeting the audience and wished them taking fully benefits from the topic. Most of the time, he had both his hands behind him, so there wasn't much glisters. He was making eye contact with audience frequently and made them connected to the topic. The information was delivered by Abdullah in an easy way, simple and in sequence. He spoke in a good tone and the voice was clear.
The slides of power point however were few, and weren't supporting the points he was presenting. Handing over the presentation to his colleague was nice and fluent.
In my view he did his part of the presentation in an extraordinarily way, it was obvious how much he trained himself and put effort to make it that good.